NHBC Youth Ministry

NHBC Youth Ministry

We are the YMG ( Young Ministers of THE GOSPEL). Our mission is to not only empower our youth through Christ, but to use our lives to make a spiritual difference. We want to set the foundation to create spiritual leaders, and to show that being who Christ has destined you to be instead of being who the world wants you to be has a far greater reward than an uncertain eternity. We are armed with the ministry of music, the gospel of Christ, and the dedication to live for the Lord. With these we are now equipping our youth with the armor of Christ to stand up for truth and show the world that GOD is REAL…..

We will be using the NIV Study Bible for our Study Meetings

Email Contact : youth.of.nhbc@gmail.com 

Sis.Latasha Pettigrew-Youth Leader (502-291-1421)

Phone Number : 301-579-9905( Pastor’s Home)  or 301-725-0660 ( Church)